Friday, 14 November 2014

Node School

At 2 of August me and my colleges went to a fantastic node.js event called Node School, co-organized by Nelson Neves, during a Geek Session at Faro Co-Working Space.
The event had 13 node.js challenges and the code was submitted and verified by a platform called learnyounode.

Sunday, 9 November 2014

Lisbon Mini Maker Faire

During the days of 19, 20 and 21 of September me and my colleagues from eLab Hackerspace, had the amazing opportunity to participate on the first Maker Faire in Portugal.
The event hosted 100 maker projects and 10.000 visitors on "Pavilhão do Conhecimento". Organized by Make magazine, Sapo another tech partners, we submited our projects to the ultimate stress test - The People's Judgement! It was interesting receive feedback from the public about our projects, in major part very good comments and also improvement suggestions, in some cases possible deal offers.
The climate between makers was awesome and it was nice environment to learn new things, some of them cutting edge technologies and some of our projects were awarded.

In the event me and my great friend João Duarte presented a workshop about Kicad - Printed Circuit Design Software, where we explained and demonstrate in exactly 1 hour, the steps to design a simple PCB in Kicad.

Let's check some of eLab's projects.
This is my personal project called Self Balancing Robot and equilibrates in two wheels with the help of an accelerometer + gyroscope by the same principles of a segway [Cover in another post].

Sunday, 2 November 2014

Test 101

Hi there,

This is the Hello World of the Dry Etch blog. Dry Etch will be my personal micro-blog and will show some of my works as a Maker and Electronics student.

Why the name Dry Etch?
Dry Etch or more precisely Dry Etching, is one of the most widely used processes in semiconductor manufacturing. Dry etching uses plasma generated free radicals to remove material only from the area dictated by a photoresist pattern created during the photolithography step.
The following image shows an etched silicon template for micro gears.

This blog will support me by providing a faster way to find documentation about my works and help another makers like me.